- Donations to St Peter’s are vital to maintain the building, meet our ministry costs and support all we do to share God’s love with people year by year. Every contribution makes a significant difference.
Each year it costs us £185,000+ to keep St Peter’s running. Please consider how you can help us if you can.Online Giving
You can set up a regular monthly donation, or give a one-off amount (with Gift Aid, if applicable) in a few simple steps by visiting our Stewardship page.
Text Giving
You can donate any whole value up to £20 by texting STPETER followed by a space and the amount you want to give to 70085. E.g. STPETER 10 to 70085
Costs the amount you want to give plus a standard rate message.Standing Orders
Giving regularly by standing order is the best method as it means we know how much to expect each month and helps make budgeting easier.
A Standing Order form and Gift Aid Declaration (if applicable) can be downloaded and printed by clicking the link below. Please fill these out and post them back addressed to the Gift Aid Secretary at The Parish Office, High Street, Limpsfield, Surrey RH8 0DR
Standing Order and Gift Aid Declaration form - PDF
Standing Order and Gift Aid Declaration form - Word DocOne-off donations
We understand not everyone can give regularly. We also welcome and are grateful for one-off donations. Cheques can be made payable to St Peter's Limpsfield and sent to the Parish Office (address above), or you can make a Bank Transfer to the Parochial Church Council of Limpsfield & Titsey
Account Number: 75534738 Sort Code: 60-16-09
Please use your name as a reference.
A gift in your will can make a lasting difference to the life and work of St Peter’s. To leave a legacy to the church, please identify us as ‘The Parochial Church Council of the parish of Limpsfield & Titsey (1133240)’ in your will.
Friends of St Peter's
By becoming a Friend you can help us preserve the church building. All money donated via our Friends scheme is used exclusively for the fabric of the church so that we can maintain it as best we can for future generations. If you would like to find out more about becoming a Friend of St Peter's, click here. - St Peter’s is blessed to have people who make a huge contribution to the life and work of our church by giving generously their time and talents. We are always seeking new people who can get involved and use the gifts they have been given to give back to God and help in whatever ways they can. You don’t have to be a regular church goer to offer your gifts, so if you feel able to help in whatever way you can, please do fill in the form. We look forward to hearing from you.