Music at St Peter'sMusic is very important at St Peter’s. We are fortunate to have an excellent organ and grand piano. We have a robed choir who lead our worship at the 10am Parish Eucharist on all Sundays except the First Sunday of the month when music is led by an informal all-age band. New members are always welcome.
We have several famous musicians buried in the St Peter’s Churchyard. Among these include Frederick Delius, Sir Thomas Beecham, Norman Del Mar, the Harrison sisters and Jack Brymer. A leaflet with more about the musicians is available to visitors on the rack inside the church by the main door. The musician's window by John Hayward is one of St Peter's newer stained glass windows, commissioned and installed to commemorate St Cecilia, patron saint of musicians, and celebrates the many eminent 20th century musicians buried in the churchyard. We also have an occasional Choral Evensong, with a special Evensong service held annually at St James’ Church Titsey at the end of July. To read about history of our Organ, click here. |